Preserving the Media of the World's Most Advanced Martial Art.


Wing Chun Butterfly Swords / Knives
(Bat, Bot, Bart, Bard, Baat, Eight)
(Jum, Jaam, Jarm, Jam, Cham, Charm, Chaam, Chum, Charn, Cutting, Slashing, Chopping, Stabbing, Piercing)
(Dao, Do, Dou, Sword Form, Sword Play, Sword Set, Swords)
Ving Tsun, Wing Tsun,
(Bot Jam Do, Bart Jarm (Charn) Dao, Eight Slash Swords)

The full listing of all Wing Chun Swords has been discontinued as of  Feb 8, 2010. Too many sword makers are selling poor quality and/or going out of business. We no longer wish to lead people to e-commerce sites that we have not or cannot verify the quality of. Quality swords from multiple manufacturers are available at Everything Wing Chun, and the makers have been vetted.

If you are a manufacturer of swords and wish to have us re-list your products please contact us.  We are always looking for more quality products to list.

Here are a few Wing Chun articles on swords:

An article by Benny Meng on the Origin and Evolution of the Wing Chun Swords

Featured Bot Jam Do  Swords:  Danny Yinsheng Xuan
from the
Wing Chun Academy of Thailand (Siam) (WCATS)

Danny's Article on Butterfly Swords Evolution with some great pictures.  
Read this to learn more about, and see differences in, the swords.
Danny's Article on WCATS Swords
Sword Terminology (good info)

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